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DSS restapi, extract on demand Bond information

Hi all,

I am trying to extract bond information in java using the restapi. I can extract some fields like in this method: searchbyisinrequest.png

But I need more fields like "Frequency Code Description" or "Day Count Description", as in the following template:template.png

When I include i.e. .put("Frequency Code Description") in the method, the error is 400 (Bad request). So I don't know why I can extract some fields, but no others and what can I do to obtain day count, frequency,...

Many Thanks,


template.png (82.4 KiB)
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From the code in searchbyisinrequest.png, you are using EndOfDayPricingExtractionRequest. EndOfDayPricing template doesn't contain these fields "Frequency Code Description" or "Day Count Code Description". If you use these fields with EndOfDayPricingExtractionRequest, it will return 400 Bad Request with the following message.

    "error": {
        "message": "Validation Error:\r\n\r\nInvalid content FieldName \"Frequency Code Description\"\r\nInvalid content FieldName \"Day Count Code Description\""

"Frequency Code Description" and "Day Count Code Description" are available in the TermsAndConditions template with TermsAndConditionsExtractionRequest. Please see the sample code in in the Java Code Examples download at

To verify the list of available fields in each template, please refer to DATASCOPE SELECT 11.1 FIELD INFORMATION in the Field Descriptions sheet.

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