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Corporate Actions: Alternative in TRTHv2 for "Default Share Type (CS)" message (v1)


What's is the TRTHv2 alternative for the Default Share Type (CS) found on v1?.

In our Java client for v1, the message defined for such data retrieval is shown below:

MessageType[] types = { new MessageType("Default Share Type (CS)", new ArrayOfString(new String[] {"Shares Amount"})) };

And the data columns retrieved are:

#Corax RIC
Current RIC
Corax Type
Corax Search Type
Corax DSE File Date
Corax Key Date 1
Corax Key Date 2
Corax Key Date 3
Corax Current System Date
Corax DST::Shares Amount    (Custom)

Thanks, in advance, for your attention and help.



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You can refer to the attached excel sheet inside TICK HISTORY V1 - V2 COMPARISON (JUNE 2017). In CORP sheet, Corax DST::Default Share Type is Shares Amount Default Flag in V2.

            "Code": "COR.Shares Amount Type Default Flag",
            "Name": "Shares Amount Type Default Flag",
            "Description": "Y/N flag indicating whether the share amount type in question is the default",
            "FormatType": "Text",
            "FieldGroup": "Tick History Corporate Actions"
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You can use "Shares Amount" field in V2 for "Corax DST::Shares Amount" and "Shares Amount Date" field in V2 for "Corax Key Date 1".

Below is the data compared between V1 and V2.



v1.png (20.2 KiB)
v2.png (19.9 KiB)

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