We have a process on our side which places a streaming request. We specific FID we are interested on with the RIC.
Below is such request RIC :TRADNDF FID : 322,323
Response recd from TREP Platform
The below reply is fine
FIELD_ENTRY 322/ROW80_8: 1W -0.025/-0.010 1W 6.5795/6.5845 1W 50.88/50.93 1W 64.21/64.24 /
FIELD_ENTRY 323/ROW80_9: 1M -0.080/-0.070 1M 6.5965/6.6015 1M 51.00/51.05 1M 64.38/64.41 /
Subsequent updates get publised as below
FIELD_ENTRY 323/ROW80_9: hpos: 39, 0 | hpos: 41, 99 | hpos: 48, 4
I understand these are partial updates. We dont store the complete data recd on our.It is more parsed values which we store. So we cannot use the String replace option as outline in the below link
Is there a way to get complete result of an FID instead of Partial update