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Corporate Action Adjustment Factor Missing Data Bug Eikon API

ek.get_data(['CRDI.MI'], ['TR.AdjmtFactorAdjustmentDate', 'TR.AdjmtFactorAdjustmentFactor'], {'EDate': '2017-09-29', 'SDate': '2011-01-01'}, debug = True, raw_output=True)


{'columnHeadersCount': 1,
 'data': [['CRDI.MI', '2017-02-06', 1],
  ['CRDI.MI', '2017-01-23', 0.501126],
  ['CRDI.MI', '2016-04-18', 10],
  ['CRDI.MI', '2015-05-18', 1],
  ['CRDI.MI', '2014-05-19', 1],
  ['CRDI.MI', '2012-04-11', 1],
  ['CRDI.MI', '2012-01-09', 1],
  ['CRDI.MI', '2011-12-27', 0.658631],
  ['CRDI.MI', '', 10]],
 'headerOrientation': 'horizontal',
 'headers': [[{'displayName': 'Instrument'},
   {'displayName': 'Corporate Action Adjustment Factor Date',
   {'displayName': 'Corporate Action Adjustment factor',
 'rowHeadersCount': 1,
 'totalColumnsCount': 3,
 'totalRowsCount': 10}

Adjustment factor for 2017-02-06 should be 0.501126 and not 1. Excel returns the data correctly

Stock,Corporate Action Adjustment Factor Date,Corporate Action Adjustment factor






Kindly suggest a workaround for this.

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@rahul.bevinahal what do you have in your params? When I am doing the following request:

r, e = tr.get_data(['CRDI.MI'], ['TR.AdjmtFactorAdjustmentDate', 'TR.AdjmtFactorAdjustmentFactor'])

It comes back as:

Which is exactly the value you are looking for.

icon clock
10 |1500

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Appreciate quick response.

params = {'EDate': '2017-09-29', 'SDate': '2011-01-01'}

@rahul.bevinahal there is a known bug in the underlying API that does not handle NULL values correctly, thus shifting the column up.

Is there any link/webpage I can follow to track this issue? This is a blocker for us

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The issue is fixed as of 30-Apr-18.

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