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Does a Terms and Conditions Extraction Request Updated Field Exist?

Within DataScopeSelect's 'Extractions/Extract/TermsAndConditionsExtraction request, is there an option or place within the JSON to place a condition on when the record was updated to allow me to pull only recently updated records?

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Hi Charles,

The best way of figuring out a Report Template functionality and fields is to initially look at the Report Template via the GUI.


you should, under 'Report Options' tab, see an checkbox option for "Delta Extractions", when enabled this displays "Limit report to instruments that have changed since:" frame with radio button options "Days Ago:" (ie. lookback), or "Specific Date:"

I believe this is the functionality you are after, the equivelent Properties for REST API are listed in the API Reference Tree:

(under API Reference - part of REST API Help:

Hope this helps,


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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.