I try to get the stream file of my schedule task, and read it into python, using the rest api call, using the following headers:
headers = {'Authorization': 'Token %s' % auth, 'Prefer': 'respond-async',
'Accept-Charset': 'UTF-8', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',"X-Direct-Download":"true"}
When i do not include X-Direct-Download, i only get part of the data, compared to the csv file i directly download in the web GUI, however, by adding this, i get some text result like the following:
which is clearly not correct. Is there any way to get correct full file as a stream in aws enviorment.
full code:
result = simple_get("/Extractions/ExtractedFiles('%s')/$value" % file_id, auth)
def simple_get(endpoint, auth):
headers = {'Authorization': 'Token %s' % auth, 'Prefer': 'respond-async',
'Accept-Charset': 'UTF-8', 'Content-Type': 'application/json',"X-Direct-Download":"true"}
r = requests.get(url_base + endpoint, headers=headers)
return r