What does this message mean: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'Anexisting connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054,None)).
It's with regards to DSS REST API.
10054 should be a Windows socket error code.
It is from the Windows Sockets Error Codes. It seems that the server forcibly closed the connection.
This could be due to a network issue, a firewall closing a connection after a certain time, our servers being in maintenance, etc.
Do you regularly get this error, or was this a once of a time occurrence ?
When did it happen (day, time, timezone) ?
Hi All,
some further details from the client:
It happens everyday for one of our script. The script hasthe following structure:
1. Check if OpenAccessList (an instrument list in web gui)exists otherwise create OpenAccessList. (api through python)
2. Ric list with ~ 100 rics is given as input (aninternal list)
3. For each of these rics, try to append them toOpenAccessList one by one (so we can check if they are OpenAccess or not). Thescript sleeps in 3 seconds before appending a new ric. (api through python)< ---------- Here is where the script crashes
4. Delete OpenAccessList.
We have checked our firewall settings for the api queriesagainst https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/.........and could not find any rule that would cancel the connection from our side. Thescript is running 16:10 swedish time and crashes around 16:17 (15:10 UTC andcrashes around 15:17 utc).
@lukasz.ossowski, could you share the script ?
Here is the script (attached).
Can you also share the instrument list ?
I am getting the same error. Occurs every once in a while. I am pulling data via Datascope REST API. I generally make the request on a daily basis, 2AM BRT. Aprox 10 RICS. I am using python 3.7
Hello @nicolas.fonteyne ,
If on your side this is once in a while, not persistent and not consistent, I would build the additional reliability into your app, and if the error is encountered, re-request.
If at some point of time you will observe the failure that is persistent, I would first investigate My Refinitiv -> Service Alerts for DSS at the time when you observe the issue, making sure there is no known service outage in progress, and if that is not the case, open a support ticket with DSS support to investigate the suspected issue.
Hope this information helps