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get_data returns multiple lines instead of one. leading to many 400 errors when requesting


I am facing a issue when requesting fund descriptive data with the code below. it returns a dataframe with many times the same lines. It should have returned only 1 line.

Also it seems to slow down the request and this leads to many 400 errors when requesting for a lot of times.

Would someone have an idea on why it returns so many lines instead of one? and how to fix that?

Many thanks.


Below is the code

fund_id = "LP40007162"
date_data = Timestamp('2019-04-29 16:06:12.208539')
fields_desc = ["TR.FdInvestorFilingDate","TR.FdInvestorFilingType","TR.ISIN","TR.FdPrevInvestorFilDate","TR.FdPrevInvestorFilType","TR.FundLaunchDate","TR.InstrumentDescription","TR.AssetCategory"]
fields_desc2 = ["TR.FundCrossReferenceIdentifiersType","TR.FundCrossReferenceIdentifiers","TR.FundName","TR.FundType","TR.FundCountryOfDomicile","TR.FundDomicile","TR.FundDomicileCode","TR.FundCurrency","TR.NETASSETVAL","TR.FundCompany","TR.FundPortfolioManager","TR.FundObjective","TR.FundCustodian","TR.FundClassificationSectorName"]
parameters={"CURN": "USD"} #, "SDate" : date_data}
df_1_fund, e = ek.get_data(fund_id, fields_desc+fields_desc2, parameters)

Below is the table returned.

   Instrument Fund Filing Date  Fund Filing Type          ISIN  \
0  LP40007162       2019-03-31                 2  US9229083061   
1  LP40007162       2019-03-31                 2                 
2  LP40007162       2019-03-31                 2                 
3  LP40007162       2019-03-31                 2                 
4  LP40007162       2019-03-31                 2                 
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Your list of fields includes several fields related to fund holdings. The following fields are categorized in the Formula Builder wizard of Eikon Excel under "Ownership - Ownership Investors - Fund-Level Holdings": TR.FdInvestorFilingDate, TR.FdInvestorFilingType, TR.FdPrevInvestorFilDate, TR.FdPrevInvestorFilType. These fields return a separate row for each of the fund holdings.
TR.FundCountryOfDomicile is categorized under "Lipper Funds - Fund Holdings" and also returns a row for each fund holdings, although unlike the other fields I listed above by default it returns only the top 10 rows. Unlike TR.FundDomicile, which you also have in your list of fields and which returns the jurisdiction where a fund is legally incorporated, TR.FundCountryOfDomicile returns the domicile of the fund holding (separate value for each holding).

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Many thanks. I did not know how to check that. Perfect!

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