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According to a comment in this question, it is expected behaviour.
The response to any single get_timeseries request for interday timeseries interval is limited to 3K rows. That is you will never get more than 3K rows of timeseries data when you execute get_timeseries method no matter what parameters you use. If get_timeseries uses a list of RICs, the 3K limit is shared. I.e. if you pass 10 RICs to get_timeseries method the total response is limited to 3K rows or 300 rows per RIC.
Ups, forgot the question
When I run this
sample=[ ".SPX",".TOPX",".STOXXE"] df1=ek.get_timeseries(sample, ["Close"], start_date="2000-06-01", end_date="2019-06-07") df2=ek.get_timeseries('.spx', ["Close"], start_date="2000-06-01", end_date="2019-06-07") df3=ek.get_timeseries('.topx', ["Close"], start_date="2000-06-01", end_date="2019-06-07") df4=ek.get_timeseries('.stoxxe', ["Close"], start_date="2000-06-01", end_date="2019-06-07")
I get 1000+ lines in df1, and 3.000 in the other three.
It this what is expected?