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How to get Instruments for NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ from 2007 until today?

Hi, can anyone please help me get ALL the Instruments+RIC+Ticker that have been quoted (including existing, delisted and new added) in NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX from 2007 till today?

I'm using python Eikon API

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Hi @veyrejulien

We do not have chain RIC codes that would hold the whole universe of an exchange and allow you to look it up on a historical date.
However, I would recommend to check the main indices like .DJI, .SPX, .IXIC and parse their constituents at a certain date. Here is a good example how you can do it.

However If you are interested in the current universe you may check RIC 0#UNIVERSE.US and it subchains. Please note, that it has no possibility of retrieving the data on a past date.

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Hi @marcin.bunkowski, thank you for the answer, i'll try it.

Just to understand, what do you mean with "it has no possibility of retrieving the data on a past date"?

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It means you can only retrieve the current universe of stocks trading on a given stock exchange. Eikon does not provide capability to retrieve the universe of stocks trading on a stock exchange as of a given date in the past.

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Greetings Marcin

How would you use Eikon data API to get the list of RICs associated to the sub chain eg 0#NYSEPRIM.N?

Is there a way of pulling this list of subchain RIC codes with eikon API i.e. can you use the RIC 0#UNIVERSE.US to get the list of subchains as shown on the screenshot or do I need to view them in the Quote app?


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Hi @armandnaude

Try with the example code:


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