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Excel DDE real-time data retrieval


I would like to retrieve real-time stocks and options to excel, may you advise the procedure ? Thanks.

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Hello @K.LAI,

Please follow REDI API Quickstart to enable access.

Next, please download REDI API Excel Examples.

Then, the relevant examples to review and run are "Quote Monitor - DDE Equities" and "Quote Monitor -DDE - US Options".

Please note for completeness: to be able to access market data, REDI user needs to be permissioned to access market data.

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I have checked with permissioining group, they advise that you are permissioned for Hong Kong Equities/Futures market data.

Therefore, you will also need to replace the instruments in the examples, such as IBM, with Hong Kong instruments that you are permissioned for.

Let us know how this works for you

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