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Details about Chain RIC constituents

Hi Team, One small clarification regarding Chain RIC constituents.


"IdentifierType": "ChainRIC",

"Identifier": "0#MGN:",

"RIC": "MGNV9"


In the above RIC, last 2 characters (Bold and Underlined) signifies month and year respectively. Please let me know if my understanding is correct.

If yes,

1. Can you please share the month codes from January to December?

2. With respect to year, Only one character is being appended to form a RIC. How to distinguish years in this case. For example 2009, 2019 and 2029?

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The speed guide <RULES2> explains the delivery month codes for future/option chains.

For a year, it should relate to the expired futures historical data explained on the speed guide <RULES9>.

However, you need to check with the Refinitiv Helpdesk for confirmation.

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Hi Team, Looking for DSS Rest API which exposes Contract data (lotsize, lotunit and unit). Our application is making use of EndofDay Extraction api. But not able to find these details in that. Can you please help.

For example:

Contract data's for
"0#BOO:" - > Lotsize - 6350, Lotunit - BBL, Unit - Thousandths
"0#FEW:" -> Lotsize - 1000,Lotunit - MT, Unit - Thousandths
"0#A7Q:" -> Lotsize - 42000,Lotunit - GAL, Unit - Hundred-thousandths

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The fields could be "Lot Size" and "Lot Units".

 "RIC": "FEWV9",
 "Lot Size": 1000,
 "Lot Units": "TONNE",

The descriptions of "Lot Units" are available here.

However, I am unable to find the field which provides "Unit - Thousandths". Please contact the DSS support team via Get Support to verify how to get it from DSS.

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