When an application receives a completion event, it would be guaranteed to be the last event according to the developer's manual. But, we observed that an status message was delivered after the completion event (there was no subscription on this RIC after unregistering the handler). Is this expected behaviour? If this is the case, isEventStreamClosed is set to be true so the event would be discarded.
In addition, when the isEventStreamClosed flag is updated?
1) a client calls unregister method
2) a completion trigger is delivered (that means all subsequent events after the completion event)
Scenario #1:
call unregister handler
ItemStatus message arrived (isEventStreamClosed is true or false??)
a completion event is arrived
Scenario #2 (below UAT case):
call unregister handler
a completion event is arrived
ItemStatus message arrived (isEventStreamClosed is true or false??)
Please see the following UAT log.
--- Log message ---
19.11.2019, 13:22:51:970636 Info: MarketDataClient: Received the completion event: closure(0xe8b49cb0)
************** The completion event was delivered
19.11.2019, 13:22:51:970794 Info: MktDataSvc Status event received: IDN_SELECTFEED.600004.SHd State:Closed Status: NoResources No Quality of Service is available to process subscription, timeout expired
19.11.2019, 13:22:51:970823 Fatal: MktDataSvc Status not ok: IDN_SELECTFEED.600004.SHd State:Closed Status: NoResources No Quality of Service is available to process subscription, timeout expired
19.11.2019, 13:22:51:970857 TickData: ---- DepthTickData -Day- [600004.SHd( 0xe8b88060 )] IsStale=T UpdType=ItemClosed ----
************** The item status event was delivered