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How to get only recent few days data?

Hi am using the python API to query recent data with ek.get_data function.

Using the following method to get RIC data, it takes a lot of time and processing to obtain and write in to VBA. So, are there any ways to setup the get_data time for few days?

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Hi @dsn

The answer in generic is that you can use Data Item Browser to check if the field you are retrieving the data can support date range or not.

To launch Data Item Browser, type "DIB" on Eikon Search Bar and press enter.

For examle:

TR.CLOSEPRICE field supports date range but TR.RICCode does not support date range

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Hi @chavalit-jintamalit

Im looking for something similar - close prices of a stock price for yesterday, for 5 days previous, for 10 days previous, and 30 days previous. Basically, I want the close prices for particular days (today-1, today-5, today-10, today-30) rather than needing to specify exact dates. If this is possible, does it account for trading days only, and weekends?

Also, its there a simpler way to have the results displayed in columns, rather than rows? or do i have to pivot() the df?

Thank you

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