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Fetching Underwriters with Valuation Date and PermID for a Bond

I wrote a little TR-Formula that is supposed to fetch me the underwriters for a given bond with ISIN:

=TR(ISINs!$B$2:ISINs!$B$15000,"TR.UnderwriterRankDescription;TR.UnderwriterRank;TR.Underwriter;TR.UnderwriterCode;TR.FiIssueDate","CH=Fd RH=IN CODE=ISIN",B1)

Works fine so far. But I would also like to get the valuation date and PermIDs for each underwriter. Unfortunately, I could'nt find the corresponding Data Item with the Formula-Builder so far. Bloomberg had those values, so I expect it can be found somehow with Reuters, too.

Maybe somebody here can quickly help me out with this one. :-)

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For this question, please directly contact the Eikon Excel support team via MyRefinitiv for the TR formular to get the required fields.

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