Hi team, is there someone in Refinitiv who can provide advice to customers if they should migrate from RFA to Elektron APIs?
We have an important customer STOXX / Deutsche Boerse who are considering this for their tech refresh project (some more info from the customer below)
Thanks, Phil
At present we are using RFA 7.4.1.L1 Library with Marketfeed Protokoll when receiving feed data from you. Morevover, we are uploading iBoxx CE prices to TREP-RT using a source-driven alternative where TREP-RT is connecting to us.
Now, we would like to know which library we should use going forward when we e.g. upgrade our OS to Linux 7.7. or even 8.x? Another thing to consider is new 64 bit technology that our system currently does not support.
From the documentation we have (RFA 8.1) we are seeing quite many choices. We also need to consider the compatibility with our software.
Do you have time for a call the other day to talk about these alternatives?