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Document Verification response missing document verification data

if we send a Document Verification request we get a response without document verification data -

like the following one:


"TransactionID": "020b7737-7005-4793-b887-d3117d846c83",

"UploadedDt": "2020-02-24T14:31:12",

"CountryCode": "IT",

"ProductName": "Identity Verification",

"Record": {

"TransactionRecordID": "20e8a211-056b-3a9d-c4e9-4bfb45c7ee86",

"RecordStatus": "match",

"DatasourceResults": [


"DatasourceName": "Credit Agency",

"DatasourceFields": [


"FieldName": "FirstGivenName",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "FirstSurName",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "DayOfBirth",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "MonthOfBirth",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "YearOfBirth",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "socialservice",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "BuildingNumber",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "StreetName",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "PostalCode",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "City",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "StateProvinceCode",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "ItIdDocumentType",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "ItIdDocumentNumber",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "ItIdDocumentDayOfIssue",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "ItIdDocumentMonthOfIssue",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "ItIdDocumentYearOfIssue",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "CityOfIssue",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "ProvinceOfIssue",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "Telephone",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "MobileNumber",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "FirstInitial",

"Status": "match"



"AppendedFields": [],

"Errors": [],

"FieldGroups": []



"DatasourceName": "Government",

"DatasourceFields": [


"FieldName": "FirstGivenName",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "FirstSurName",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "DayOfBirth",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "MonthOfBirth",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "YearOfBirth",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "socialservice",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "BuildingNumber",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "StreetName",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "PostalCode",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "City",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "StateProvinceCode",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "ItIdDocumentType",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "ItIdDocumentNumber",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "ItIdDocumentDayOfIssue",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "ItIdDocumentMonthOfIssue",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "ItIdDocumentYearOfIssue",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "CityOfIssue",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "ProvinceOfIssue",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "Telephone",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "MobileNumber",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "FirstInitial",

"Status": "match"



"AppendedFields": [],

"Errors": [],

"FieldGroups": []



"DatasourceName": "Telephone Directory",

"DatasourceFields": [


"FieldName": "FirstGivenName",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "FirstSurName",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "DayOfBirth",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "MonthOfBirth",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "YearOfBirth",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "socialservice",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "Telephone",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "MobileNumber",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "BuildingNumber",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "StreetName",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "PostalCode",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "City",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "StateProvinceCode",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "FirstInitial",

"Status": "match"



"AppendedFields": [],

"Errors": [],

"FieldGroups": []



"DatasourceName": "World-Check",

"DatasourceFields": [


"FieldName": "FirstGivenName",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "FirstSurName",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "MiddleName",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "DayOfBirth",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "MonthOfBirth",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "YearOfBirth",

"Status": "match"



"FieldName": "Gender",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "Nationality",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "CountryOfBirth",

"Status": "missing"



"FieldName": "CountryLocation",

"Status": "missing"



"AppendedFields": [


"FieldName": "WatchlistState",

"Data": "Clear"



"Errors": [],

"FieldGroups": []



"Errors": [],

"Rule": {

"RuleName": "Category 3 KYC v3",

"Note": "Match(FamilyAndGivenInitial, DOB) or Match(FamilyAndGivenInitial, FullAddress) or Match(FamilyAndGivenInitial, ID) MiddleName Ignored"



"Errors": []


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Hi Valter,

I see these queries now. I know why. You are using the IDV credentials for an IDP query. Those two credentials are different but endpoint is the same. This is why you are getting this.

Kind Regards,

-- Av

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9.6k 10 7 7

Hello @valter.gelmini

I received answer from the expect that you are using the wrong account and need set up with the correct access. This should be handled by:

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Write an Answer

Hint: Notify or tag a user in this post by typing @username.

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