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Tutorial code - seems to be out of date :

I was getting an A21 exception

This was similar to the exceptions here:

This was until I changed the code to use "GetDefPosition()" based upon another example that came with the RFA downloads.

The main difference here is that the network address has a "/net" suffix added.

Please update your tutorial code .
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Hi @richard.veitch,

I have updated the tutorials and the source code, to reflect the latest in TREP infrastructure; so it should be working now. Please let us know if you uncover any other discrepancies.


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Hi @richard.veitch,

I will take a look at tutorial source code and update the relevant sections.

Please note that RFA and RFA.NET are feature complete products, and we discourage any new development with it. For most new applications, Websocket API would be recommended way to go - which can be used in any programming language including .NET.

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Hi @richard.veitch

I should like to make you aware of the RDP.Net library - although it is in Beta phase at the moment - so may not be appropriate at this point in time.

The RDP library is an "ease of use wrapper" around the Websocket API - Link to article on RDP library

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At this point I cannot really consider other API.
They have to be .NET based due to my integration platform .
Beta products are not an option .

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Hi @richard.veitch,

Can you please explain your application's data requirement, and your infrastructure briefly. The Elektron Websocket API is a released product and comes with working sample code in many languages including .NET. You can download the samples from the downloads tab. It can connect and consume data from either an ADS or ERT Cloud.

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