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how to get historic Settlement price for Florida Gas Zone 3 using python ek.getdata?


I am trying to get Florida Gas Zone 3 Historic settlement prices but I couldn't get the data.

I am able to get for HH using the ticker 'NGc1' as in below python code

data = ek.get_data('NGc1', ['TR.SETTLEMENTPRICE.Date', 'TR.SETTLEMENTPRICE'], parameters = {"SDate":"2015-01-01","EDate":str(datetime.now().date())})

But when I try for FGZ-3, which has ticker 'OTGASFIXMc1', the data returning NULL. I'm not sure about this ticker but I could see the data for future prices with 'OTGASFIXMK20','OTGASFIXML20' and so on.

Your help is much appreciated here.


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Hi @saravana13493

Is this the data you are looking for ?

ahs.jpg (70.5 KiB)
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Thank you. This data can be equivalent to the settlement prices which I obtained in other RIC. Though It's weird that the data is not coming through get_data as it worked for other RIC. Thanks a lot for the help.

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Hi @saravana13493

Given that the API returns valid data for the other RICS, I recommend you contact Eikon support to identify the correct RIC for your requirement and/or query the lack of data for that particular RIC code.

You can contact Eikon Support directly through the Eikon App or via MyRefinitiv. I recommend you create a Content Query for Eikon.

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Thanks for your response. I contacted the Eikon support team and they responded back saying that the RIC 'OTGASFIXMc1' was not in the exchange trade. That's why data it's not there in get_data.

Also, the above response from @chavalit.jintamalit yields an equivalent result which I'm looking for. Thank you all.

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