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List of all companies from a country

Hey community,

I am fairly new to Eikon. Even though I heard that it is pretty easy to use Eikon the task I am trying to accomplish challenges me quite a bit. Here is what I am trying to do:

I want a list with the total liabilities (or any other financial indicator) for all companies from a specific country (for example Germany) over a specific period.

I am currently able to get the total liabilities for one company over a specific period but I am not able to set everything up for all companies from a specific country.
I searched here for a solution but wasn´t successful. If there already is such a question solved pls don´t get mad as I am a newbie.

Hope someone can help me.



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See the article titled "Find Your Right Companies with SCREENER". Using Screener you can set up criteria to retrieve companies that are headquartered in a specific country or whose stocks are traded on country's exchanges or however you want to define "all companies from a specific country". Another alternative is to use Search capability. Type in "SRCH" in Eikon command/search bar and check out the app named "Search".

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Thank you!!!

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