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Is the Logger\ComponentLoggers\Adaptor setting still used in RFA V8.1 ?

Given the answer to my colleagues question at, we are looking at modifying the paths given for the messageFile fields in the Component Loggers.

However, there is a problem found when looking at the RFA 8.1 C++ Edition - Configuration Guide v1.2, page 18 and 19. In addition to the examples using RFA7 instead of RFA8, the example of the Adapter setting is for RFA7_Adapter and the Adapter is mentioned again under the <name> field on page 19, along with RSSL_Cons_Adapter and others. However, there is no RFA8_Adaptor .dll file delivered in the release for Windows (neither in v8.1.2 and 8.1.3).

If I look in the Windows Registry to where the Window Event Logging sets up these entries under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\Adapter", I find it pointing at the RFA7_Adapter120.dll file from the previous release of RFA we had installed, whereas "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\RSSL_Adapter" and "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\RSSL_Cons_Adapter" are pointing at the version 8 dll files.

Does that mean that the Config guide is incorrect and should remove all mention of the Adaptor ComponentLogger for v8, or is there a deliverable library (eg RFA8_Adaptor120.dll - 120 being for Visual Studio 2013) missing from the RFA Windows v8 releases?

And secondly, where both RFA8_SessionLayer120.dll and RFA8_SessionLayer_OMM120.dll has been provided (similarly for Connections library) which one do we use for the event log messages when setting the Logger\ComponentLoggers\SessionCore or Connections entries?

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Below is an additional information about the logger setting provided by RFA C++ development team.

For setting up Windows Event Logs for RFA8 RSSL OMM Consumer, the following registry entries need to be in place considering that the Visual Studio 2017 DLLs are present in ‘C:\Release’ directory as an example.









For setting up Windows Event Logs for RFA8 RSSL OMM Provider, add the following entry.



If in case of using a static version of RFA libraries, please add the following entry.


"messageFile"=" C:\Release\RFA8_MsgFile150_x64.dll"

The following registry entry is not required to be added.



Hence, the component RFA8_Adapter has to be removed and the component RFA8_RSSL_Adapter has to be added to table 13 of RFA Configuration Guide. Also, the references of RFA7 has to be replaced with RFA8 in the document. Moreover, for the components like SessionCore and Connections, any one of the DLLs [RFA8_Connections150_x64.dll/ RFA8_Connections_OMM150_x64.dll] can be used as both of those libraries are expected to support Windows Event Logs.

They will update the document and hope this can help.

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From my understanding in the original post, RFA still is able to publish a logger message to the Windows Event log but the problem is that windows required the user to specify the name of DLL which produces the log so that it can map the event id.

The issue you mentioned is that the document is not clear and it seems to incorrect about the DLL name that the user has to set for each logger component. I have checked the document, and it looks like it does not update for RFA8. And it does not clear about RFA_Adapter.

I would suggest you open a new API support case so that the support team can work with RFA C++ Development to investigate the issue further and to update the document.

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