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Using Python API via MATLAB

I am using the Python API via MATLAB which works fine as long as I request only single fields:


instruments = ['LCO5000B1'];

fields= 'CF_CLOSE'; % OR fields= 'CF_CURR';

df= py.eikon.get_data(instruments,fields);

I am now struggling to get data for both fields (CF_CLOSE and CF_CURR) in a single call of get_data. What would be the correct syntax for that?

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Use py.list method of Matlab to create a Python list of fields or instruments, which can then be passed to Eikon Data APIs library for Python:

instruments = py.list({'LCO5000B1','LCO5000B2','LCO5000B3'});
fields = py.list({'CF_CLOSE','CF_CURR'});
res = py.eikon.get_data(instruments, fields);
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Thank you very much, @Alex Putkov.! It works perfectly this way!
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Hi @Peter.Winkler3

I cannot answer you on the MATLAB.

I can give you the Python example.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.