Recently we had a question about the "DeltaDays" condition which relates to 'Legal Entity Detail' and 'Legal Entity Hierarchy' report templates.
DeltaDays appears to relate to the drop down box in the GUI labelled "Include entities that have changed".
I just want to confirm what was shared previously as a resolution:
"The reference tree has the following for the Condition for Delta
Days. It requires an integer. The underlying entity database field
that the report template queries against is the last_chg_dt in the entity
Putting in a very large integer value will work so that ‘any’
last_chg_dt’ can be captured."
The feedback on the resolution is:
"I set DeltaDays to -1
and that seems to work"
That doesn't seem to match with the original resolution, please what would be the expected behaviour of the results using -1 over the advice provide which was based on the assumption:
DATEDIFF(DD, entity.last_chg_dt, GETDATE()) as DeltaDays FROM
entity.dbo.entity entity
DATEDIFF(DD, entity.last_chg_dt, GETDATE()) >= 0
If there is a reference for more information of using DeltaDays please could I be directed to it please?
Best regards,