I am using EikonDataAPI 0.4.6 in .NET and this is a .NET Core 3.1 application.
When I run the below to query STL_IMPVLT field from the following two option chains, the first symbol works (0#1KWH2+) but the second symbol (0#1KWX1+) throws a data conversion error (the line with result2)
var eikon = EikonDataAPI.Eikon.CreateDataAPI();
//Set API key here
var result1 = eikon.GetData(new List<string>() { "0#1KWH2+" }, new List<String>() { "STL_IMPVLT" }, parameters: new Dictionary<string, string>() { });
var result2 = eikon.GetData(new List<string>() { "0#1KWX1+" }, new List<String>() { "STL_IMPVLT" }, parameters: new Dictionary<string, string>() { });
The error is
>System.FormatException: 'String '57.61' was not recognized as a valid Boolean.'
57.61 is one of the STL_IMPVLT (implied vol) value for one on a chain.. if I use .GetDataRaw() the query works fine, but for some reason .GetData() is throwing an error and trying to convert this to a Boolean.
This seems like an internal data conversion error. This seemed to happen for various option chains, not just the one I specified. Can you let me know how this can be fixed? I don't see anything else I can do on my side..