We have the requirement to get update BID and ASK rate for different set of rates like
FX Rate - CCY_Pair1, CCY_Pair2, CCY_Pair3...
LIBOR -Rate1, Rate2, ....
JIBOR - Rate1. Rate2, ...
and so on...
By following provided examples, we are designing a prototype with below logic.
AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger();
rateTypes.forEach(rateTypeVO -> {
String rateNames = String.join(",", rateTypeVO.getRateNames());
String requestJsonString = "{\"ID\":"+index.incrementAndGet()+",\"Key\":{\"Name\":["+rateNames+"]},\"View\":[\"BID\",\"ASK\",\"BIDSIZE\",\"ASKSIZE\"]}";
And we are expecting to get rate updates on 'Refresh' and 'Update'
But when looking at the available fields in response we can see BID/ASK/BIDSIZE/ASKSIZE/...
Can we know for our purpose we only needs to check for BID & ASK field only always?
or there is any logic needs to apply on BID & ASK values with respect to BIDSIZE & ASKSIZE? since these two fields are not familiar to us
We have checked the response data documentation to get details on these but cannot find such one.
There is any link to refer the description for all field values in market data response?