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Pulling weather data through the Eikon API using python


Is there a way to pull weather forecast data through the Eikon API using python? I have attached a screen shot of the data we need to pull.image-17-r.png


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According to case number 10679343, here's the suggestion from the content team

The US weather data seen on the Eikon is currently not available as RICs which could have made it possible to fetch the US Weather data in Python. However, our analyst recommended our Refinitiv Data Management Solution (RDMS) which will be the ideal solution if you need to access data on Eikon and PointConnect (which contains the US Weather forecast data) using Python. To learn more about our RMDS offering, please visit the site:


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Hi @matthew.holland ,

This is not possible. Please see existing discussion on the topic.

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@matthew.holland Please see the thread here. Unfortunately this met office data only seems to cover Europe rather than US. I believe the data in your screenshot is coming from our Point Carbon service - which is a separate product from Eikon - though some of it is displayed in Eikon it is not available via the Eikon Data API. You can request a trial from your account representative to test it out. That said, for EU at least we can get 7 day forecasts for 6 times each day. The following worked for me -

RICS = ['DUSSEL-D1-06','DUSSEL-D1-09','DUSSEL-D1-12','DUSSEL-D1-15','DUSSEL-D1-18','DUSSEL-D1-21']
fields = ['CF_NAME','TRADE_DATE','TRDTIM_1','GN_TX20_12','GN_TX20_14','GN_TX20_16','GN_TX20_17','GN_TX20_18']

df,err = ek.get_data(RICS,fields)
df.columns =['Instrument','Name','Date','Time','Temperature-C','Rainfall-mm','Wind Speed-kts','Wind Direction-Deg','Pressure-mbars']



I will raise a separate content query for you on this case but cant open the case at present as I think the service is down temporarily. I will post the case number back here as soon as I have one. Apols. I hope this can help.

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@matthew.holland I have opened case number 10679343 on your behalf and someone from our content team will reach out to you directly. Apols for delay.

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