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Refinitiv data not available after a Red Hat migration (firewall issue?)

After a Red Hat migration, the application I'm working is not receiving data from Refinitiv, anymore. We are using still using an old library (rfa-1.0.0.jar, when it was still Reuters) and the code has not been changed in years. Is there a a manual or guide on how to configure that library and which ports must be open or what outgoing connections must be allowed for it to work? Thank you in advance.

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Hello @diego.andres.molinafernandez ,

Actually, rfa-1.0.0.jar does not sound right. Is it a custom app jar rather then RFA API jar?

Please refer to API Compatibility Matrix for supported versions of JRFA, they are, at present, RFA 8.2 and 7.7, with only 8.2 supported on RedHat 8, additionally, see qualifications section.

If you are connecting to a local RMDS (formerly TREP) or another local component, rather then external access, in my understanding, a firewall can not be the cause of the issue you describe, as a firewall is intended to help secure external access.

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Hello @diego.andres.molinafernandez

Basically, the RFA API needs to access a local RMDS server via port 14002 (for the RSSL connection) or port 8101 (for the SSL/Market Feed connection). However, the port number may be different based on your RFA and RMDS configurations.

You can find more detail from the RFA Java Configuration Guide document on the <RFA Java package>/Docs folder or this page.

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