Hi there,
I am currently trying to stitch together historical index constituents from joiners and leavers data. To get the data, I am using the command:
lj, err = ek.get_data(RIC, ['TR.IndexJLConstituentChangeDate(SDate={0},EDate={1},IC=B)'.format(start_date, end_date,'TR.IndexJLConstituentChangeDate(SDate={0},EDate={1},IC=B).change'.format(start_date, end_date,'TR.IndexJLConstituentName(SDate={0},EDate={1},IC=B)'.format(start_date, end_date, 'TR.IndexJLConstituentRIC(SDate={0},EDate={1},IC=B)'.format(start_date, end_date)])
To test this, I am using the HDAX as a test case '0#.GDAXHI'.
Now from this data, the goal is to find the current index constituents at any given time. I thought I can just refer to the RICs and filter the latest joiner RICs, which are not leavers yet. However, I am struggling a bit with the data that I am getting back. For instance, the company 'Salzgitter Werke', has joined the index early on, and the left twice, but based on a different RIC. (so it seems I cannot use RICs for this exercise, cause the RIC KLKG.F^A11 never left according to this)

In general I see many joiners and leavers at the same date, with changed tickers (example here)

So my question, based on this data: how do I back out the list of index constituents at any given date using only joiners and leavers data?
Many thanks.