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Hello i need help

Hello, I have now obtained the token and cloud credentials, I want to continue to establish a channel with AWS, but the example is python, I want to write Java now, can you give me some help, the following are my gains


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Hello @1876072456 ,

If you wish to integrate programmatically with RDP ( Refinitiv Data Platform) CFS (Client File Store service, in any language that supports HTTP REST requests, including Java, the interface of RDP File Store service is documented on API Playground->file-store and once you have obtained a valid token, which you mention you have already done, you will be issuing requests according to RDP file-store specification on API Playground, if your user id is permissioned to access this service.

There are many solid resources on HTTP REST requesting in Java online, for a simple intro, as an example, you may wish to refer to Do a Simple HTTP Request in Java guide.

This integration is different, from Java S3Client encapsulated access to AWS. If you wish to integrate with AWS file store, not with RDP file store, use Java S3Client classes.

Additionally, if you wish to integrate with a specific RDP CFS service ( ESG Bulk, Tick History, etc.) there are specific helpful code examples and materials, we can direct you toward, so please let us know if this is the case?

Hope this explanation helps

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