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mapping from RIC to PermID.

I got two questions in order to get ESG combined scores by use a RIC code.

1. which filed I can use to mapping from RIC to PermID in the ESG Bulk Symbology and company reference data

2. if I have the PermID, whick filed I can query to get this company's combined ESG scores.


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Hello @bin0 ,

Conveying the answer from ESG Bulk expert:

"Hello Bin,

The easiest way to return ESG combined score for RIC’s would be to use the Request Response API:

As a bulk client, you will need to download and combine 2 different files to achieve the same result. This will return the full universe of all ESG Organizations and RIC codes.

  1. Bulk-ESG-Global-Symbology-InstrumentQuote-v1-Jsonl-
    Within this file you can find the RIC codes:
    they can be mapped within the same JSONLine to the PermID: "IssuerOrganizationId":"4295904307"
  2. The scores file you need to download will depend upon the type of ESG license and level of history you have subscribed to.
    Assuming you have the full history scores license, Bulk-ESG-Global-Scores-Full-v1-Jsonl-
    (If you have a different level of ESG score license, you will need to use a different packageId)
    The Scores User Guide can help you to identify this.
    Documentation | Refinitiv Developers

All scores are delivered within this bulk file, not just the company combined scores.

I hope this helps. "

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