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Python API Fund Name Change

I need to download name change events for a list of Funds ISINs.

For example, for LU0167295319 I need to retrieve the following information:

Old Name: UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund - Yield (EUR) (change made on 11/15/2021)

New Name: UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund - Yield Sust (EUR) N-acc

Can I do this with the Eikon Python API?

Thank you!

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Hi @novasbe4

Some of the details you are after can be done using the following:

import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp
rdp.open_desktop_session(<your app key>)
    filter="IssueISIN eq 'LU0167295319'",
    select="RIC,IssueISIN, CommonName, IssueCommonName, RetireDate"


However, I was not able to determine when the name change occurred - I thought it could have been via the 'RetireDate'. If you need this information, I would suggest you open a content ticket with the Refinitiv Helpdesk.

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@novasbe4 So we do have this for company listings:

df, err = ek.get_data('ABDN.L',['TR.FormerlyKnownAsName.effectiveFromDateTime','TR.FormerlyKnownAsName.effectiveToDateTime','TR.FormerlyKnownAsName'])



However I have tried with Funds and it does not seem to work - so I doubt if we have this content history available for that asset class.

I also checked with our Events database:

events_df, err = ek.get_data('ABDN.L',['TR.EventStartDate','TR.EventType','TR.EventTitle'],{'SDate':'2015-01-01', 'EDate':'2022-02-27', 'EventType':'ALL'})



but here there was no Name or ID change event type listed listed - my understanding is that we do not provide that event type via API - though that event type is in product on CAC app (corporate actions calendar app). However, when I checked it for Name & ID change events it was blank even there. I will open a content ticket to investigate this - in the meantime can you try with another fund perhaps - I just want to see if its just related to the ISIN or if other funds that have changed name as well. I hope this can help.

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Another example of a fund changing name is GABELLI GLOBAL GROWTH FUND, ISIN=US36464T8365 . Before January 2000 it was called Gabelli Couch Potato Fund. See: https://www.morningstar.com/articles/5837/gabellis-couch-potato-fund-loses-the-goofy-name

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@novasbe4 I tried that one and it doesnt have any record either - I have opened case 10992469 on your behalf to at least see why these fund name changes are not available in CAC - as I said my suspicion is we don't carry histories via API - but they should be there in the app - but lets wait for the content team to come back to us. The content team should reach out shortly. I hope this can help.

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I will share the information I have received to retrieve historical fund names from the APP

1.Type FSCREEN in the Eikon search bar to locate the app.

2. Once you've opened the app, first thing to do is to add the instruments to be screened. On the left panel, go to LIST.

3. Under New List, select Create New List. You will then be brought to the List Editor window.

4. In the List Editor Window, change "Name" to "Symbol". Enter the RIC in the search box then hit "Search". The name of the RIC will appear below. If you're not going to add more RICs, click on Ok to save the list. After saving the list, hit the "Generate Report" from the left panel.

5. In the right panel, on the "Add Column" bar, type in "Fund Changes Name From" then select from the suggested answers. You can also click on the button inside it and search for "Fund Changes Name From" then hit Ok to add the column.

Given a lsit of RIC / ISINs, can this be done more rapidly using the API?

Thank you very much.

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