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Signal processing in RFA application

I use RFA based library that can be used from C++ and python (using SWIG) on Linux. My goal is to process SIGINT and SIGTERM in main application thread. Could you clarify, how can I clean signal mask in RFA threads to get signals in main application thread?

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The StarterConsumer example in the RFA package shows the example of how to call the sigaction method to change the action taken by a process on receipt of a specific signal.

The code is in the StarterCommon/CtrlBreakHandler.cpp file.

        bzero(&_sigAction, sizeof(_sigAction));
        bzero(&_oldSigAction, sizeof(_oldSigAction));
        _sigAction.sa_sigaction = &sigActionExternC;
        _sigAction.sa_flags     = SA_SIGINFO;
        if(-1 == sigaction(SIGINT, &_sigAction, &_oldSigAction))
            AppUtil::log(__LINE__, AppUtil::ERR, "CtrlBreakHandler::init() sigaction() FAILED);//, errno: %d", errno);

I think that you can do the same with SIGTERM.

For more information, please refer to the sigaction Linux manual page.

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