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Profile (Entity) creation and update in screening results

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Is there any way to get the Entered Date and Updated Date (as shown in the UI screening results list) from the screening results API call? It's cumbersome to individually call the profile API for each result.

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Hi @bpeters , Thanks for reaching out to us!

At this moment, In order to view the "Entered Date" and "Updated Date" through API, you have to call the "SEQ-case-investigate-world-check-profile: Get a World-Check profile" API using the referenceId. The attributes "creationDate" and "modificationDate" in response of the API call "SEQ-case-investigate-world-check-profile: Get a World-Check profile" would correspond the "Entered Date" and "Updated Date" which is shown in the UI Screening results list.

Please feel free to reach out for any further assistance.

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