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How to retrieve interim IBES data

Hi everyone,

Could you please let me know how to retrieve the interim estimates data using Eikon API. More specifically, I would like to reconstruct the table below.


I was able to get yearly data using the following R code, but do now know what parameters should be changed to get the semi-annual data.

               list('Scale'='6', 'SDate'='0', 'EDate'="FY-5", 'FRQ'='FY', 'Curn'='USD', 'Period'="FY1"))

Thank you very much for your help!

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Hi @pod4 ,

You can use the Code Creator app in Eikon/Workspace to have a look at available parameters. In your case, you seem to be looking into changing the 'FRQ' parameter; it can take several values, as per the below:


You can find similar parameter help in the Data Item Browser application in Eikon/Workspace.

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