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Cannot find symbol from refinitiv workspace in Python API

I haven't been able to query non-equity (foreign exchange forward) series using Python API (beta version, as of 3/23/2022) that I was able to on refinitiv workspace desktop app and the request table on a excel sheet with the refinitiv add-on.

An example series is "BBGBP1F" which is USD to UK Pound 1M forward, and it can be found in the desktop app by typing into the search bar as well as using the find series button in the request table excel sheet. However, it seems it cant be queried using the python API. I have tried:

response = rd.content.symbol_conversion.Definition(symbols=["BBGBP1F", "AAPL.O"]).get_data()

which only returns result for apple (AAPL.O) but none for BBGBP1F.

also no result for

response = rd.content.search.Definition('BBGBP1F').get_data()

Was I not looking at the right place in Python?

pythonworkspace-data-apipython apiforexforwards
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Hi @zw792

I tried searching for BBGBP1F in Workspace and it returned only BBGBPNFIBMK= - which did not yield any data for me.

The moderators on this forum are not content experts, therefore I recommend you raise a content type ticket with our helpdesk - so that a content specialist can help you identify the correct symbol to use.

Product Support | MyRefinitiv

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Hi @zw792

I should also mention we have a RIC Search tool which may also help you in determining the correct RIC code for the instrument

RIC Search | Refinitiv Developers

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