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Stock Price Alert with a "10% change from the lowest close price" rule

Is it possible to create a Stock Price Alert with a "10% change from the lowest close price" rule

For example, if a stock closing price is 100, I want to alert if it drops 10% below 100, but if tomorrow's closing price goes down to 90, I want to alert if it drops 10% below 90.

On the other hand, if tomorrow's closing price goes up to 120, I still want to alert based on the 100 benchmark, so always alert on changes from the LOWEST closing price

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Hi @Gal.Dvir,

Are you referring to Eikon Alerts or generating alerts using your own app written using Eikon API.

For your own app, you can read the close price of an instrument and subscribe to streaming updates for the instrument and react when the alert threshold is breached.

I am not sure if this is doable with Eikon's built in Alerts functionality.

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