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Data retrieval is not unique

Dear all,

May I kindly ask for you help?

I am using the following formula to retrieve equity assets of a single perm ID(5000030092):

=TR($B$4,"TR.TotalEquityAssets","Curn=USD SDate=2021-12-31 CH=Fd",$C$3)

The formula specifies the date, but the resulting output is a column of numbers, not a unique number..

Could you please tell me why and how I should modify the formula to retrive only one number for a given date?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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TR.TotalEquityAssets represents the total value of equity holdings for an investor. Therefore, it contains multiple values for investors.


You can use the TR.TotalEquityAssets.investorpermid field to get the associated Investor Perm Ids.

If this doesn't help, you can contact the Eikon support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify the data in this field or ask for another field that can provide the required data.

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