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How to get futures RIC and chain RIC by REST API

A client cannot get futures RIC and chain RIC content by RTH REST API. but can get the RIC like EUR=. Client environment is .NET framework v4.8 and uses sample code 'Refinitiv DSS .NET SDK'. cannot-get-futures-ric.png
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In addition to guidance from @gareth.teage ,

You may wish to create InstrumentList as empty per DSS .NET SDK examples:

var instrumentList = new InstrumentList { Name = "Instrument List Name" };

And then append the identifiers to it:

IEnumerable<InstrumentIdentifier> appendIdentifiers = new[]
     new InstrumentIdentifier
        Identifier = "SAGc1",
        IdentifierType = IdentifierType.Ric,
        UserDefinedIdentifier = "UserIdent5A"
     new InstrumentIdentifier
        Identifier = "0#SAG:",
        IdentifierType = IdentifierType.ChainRIC,
        UserDefinedIdentifier = "UserIdent5A"
extractionsContext.InstrumentListOperations.AppendIdentifiers(instrumentList, appendIdentifiers, true);

Let us know how this works on your side?

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Thanks @zoya faberov

I've been working directly with and the Tick History team via Teams to narrow down the cause of this.

Believe this is resolved now, not a C# code or API issue.

Tick History by design for Free Trial allows for a current 2 week date range window of data for testing purposes. It has been confirmed that client can get recent data for 0#SAG: Chain now. please confirm if this answer can be accepted (post marked as closed)

Best regards,


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Hi ,

As discussed via Teams we have validated that Tick History itself accepts use of Chain RIcs including the one provided in a Time and Sales extraction request.

We are pending knowing if the Chain RIC is being added to an Instrument List (for Scheduled Extraction use), or added into an Array for an On Demand ExtractRaw Request.

Best regards,


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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.