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Websocket API for AU AG Stop on Sunday


We are consuming Websocket API to get live updates for precious metals.

Following are some of the instruments that we are using.



One thing that I noticed is that the feed is not working on Sunday and get ack to work from Monday. Is it the normal behavior or am I missing anything.

Best Regards,


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Hi @weber01

Based on what you are saying, it seems like expected behaviour that they are not updating on Sunday - e.g. if the instruments are not actively being traded.

You can check if certain RICs update with the Content team by creating a ticket at My.Refinitiv as mentioned above.

You can then attach the full list of instruments that you are subscribing to and they can confirm which ones will and won't update over the weekend and or the update schedule etc.

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Hi @weber01

Can you confirm it starts working without any action on Monday - or do you have to restart processes etc?

Also, Are you connecting to a local or managed ADS or are you using our cloud-based Real-Time Optimised service (RTO)?

If you are not restarting the process and the updates resume, then it is most likely either

  • server maintenance on the weekend by your local support or by the RTO team
  • OR we are not publishing data for those instruments on the weekend.

The RTO team can confirm any server maintenance windows and the Content team can confirm if we stop updating those RICs over the weekend. You can contact both teams via the My.Refinitiv site where you can raise a Content-type ticket for the content team or a support ticket for the RTO team.

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I am connecting to cloud-based Real-Time Optimized service (RTO) .

I have to restart the process on Monday. But if I restart on Sunday, it just give me the initial snapshot.

This happens on all the weekends. We are getting the live feed for AU, AG, PT and PD. Is there a place to check whether they are operate on Sunday



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Ill create a ticket for Content team.



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