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Is the reference to FY1 as per the company year end or is the data standardised to a consistent year end (e.g. a calendar year end company and June year end company in the same sector)?

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Hello Callum.Bramah ,

Yes, the reference to FY1 is as per the company's financial year end.

If you need more details please let us know.

Kind regards,

Aliaksei Nevelski

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I would appreciate further clarification on this. Currently, if I use Period=2022 and Period=FY1, in case the company's financial year end date is 31th of December 2022 the information should be the same. Is it right

Also, if I want to retrieve information about year estimates (e.g. 2023 as per today) what Period should I use?

Kind regards,

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Thanks! Its so helpful :)

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