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New to OPEN DACS - which API do we use to pass the permissionable entities from a third party to the DACs ?

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Hi @ralphh

I am not a DACS expert, but after reading your question - my understanding is that you want to populate the DACS entitlements database with third-party PEs so that you can then use DACS APIs/RTDS entitlement checking to control access to the 3rd party data.

If my above understanding is correct, then I believe this cannot be achieved using an API. I believe you would need to create a mapping file on the Dacs station/server and then perform a Map collect - which would then import those mappings into the DACS system.

For details on how to do the above and confirm my understanding. I recommend you create a support ticket for the 'Refinitiv Real-Time Data Access Control System' at My.Refinitiv. A DACS specialist should then be able to advise you further.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.