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Where can I find documentation on using get_data in Python.

eg I have this excel function:

=@TR({"ANZ.AX","CBA.AX","NAB.AX","WBC.AX"},"TR.TotalReturn52Wk","Frq=Y SDate=0 EDate=-19 CH=IN RH=calcdate;date")

is there documentation that describes how to translate that to Python get_data call.

Also what is the difference between TR.TotAssets and TR.F.TotAssets, where can I find documentation on this?


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hi @barry.chapman ,

The related resources are provided below

For this case, the Excel formula can be converted to Python code as below

import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek


df, err = ek.get_data(["ANZ.AX","CBA.AX","NAB.AX","WBC.AX"]
                      , [ "TR.TotalReturn52Wk.calcdate"
                         , "TR.TotalReturn52Wk.date"
                         , "TR.TotalReturn52Wk"]
                      , {'Frq':'Y', 'SDate':'0', 'EDate':'-19'})

Here's the output, compared to the output of Eicon Excel. If you'd like to get the same format with Excel output, you may use Python code to format the output dataframe.


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Thanks for the response, that part of the question is answered.

Can you also tell me, what is the difference between TR.TotAssets and TR.F.TotAssets , and in general, what does the .F mean?

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I checked and found that it relates to the Fundamentals Source: Refinitiv Company Fundamental (TR.F.), or Refinitiv Financials. You can find this setting in Eikon Excel.


1655890227270.pngYou may contact the Eikon support team directly via MyRefinitiv for more information.

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