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Long response time for Composite Extraction Request

I am trying to make Composite Extraction Request for 1 instrument and 25 fields, but it takes 10-20s to get a response. Any ideas what could be the issue here?

                var extractionsContext = new ExtractionsContext(new Uri(""), "acc", "pw");

                var extractionRequest = new CompositeExtractionRequest
                    IdentifierList = SubjectIdentifierList.CreateInstrumentIdentifierList(new[]
                            SubjectIdentifier.CreateInstrumentIdentifier(isin, IdentifierType.Isin, null, null, null,  null)
                        }, null, false),
                    ContentFieldNames = new[] {
                        "Instrument ID",
                        "Instrument Full Name - ESMA",
                        "Asset Type",
                        "Currency Code",
                        "Market MIC",
                        "Price Quote Method Code",
                        "Maturity Date",
                        "Coupon Rate",
                        "Accrued Interest",
                        "First Coupon Date",
                        "Coupon Frequency Description",
                        "Previous Coupon Date",
                        "Next Pay Date",
                        "Day Count Code Description",
                        "Mid Price",
                        "Close Price",
                        "Bid Price",
                        "Ask Price",
                        "Mid Dirty Price",
                        "Bid Dirty Price",
                        "Ask Dirty Price",
                        "Mid Clean Price",
                        "Bid Clean Price",
                        "Ask Clean Price",

                var extraction = extractionsContext.ExtractWithNotes(extractionRequest);
                var extractedRows = extraction.Contents;
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I ran the same extraction request in Postman multiple times and found the elapsed times varied from 5 to 15 seconds. However, sometimes, the elapsed time is more than 20 seconds.


From this finding, the problem isn't specific to DSS .NET SDK.

It will be helpful if you can confirm that the long response time issue also happens in Postman. You can download the DSS REST Tutorials Postman collection from the Refinitiv Developer's Website.

Then, we need to contact the server team to confirm if this is expected behavior.

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It may relate to the server load at that time. You can check the extraction note in extractionResult.Notes. It contains information about processing time.

"Extraction Services Version 16.0.43633 (806c08a4ae8f), Built May  9 2022 17:21:13\r\nProcessing started at 06/23/2022 03:21:31.\r\nUser ID: 9008895\r\nExtraction ID: 597793280\r\nCorrelation ID: CiD/9008895/Cr7IIg.081006b20bfdff07/RA/EXT.597793280\r\nSchedule: _OnD_0x081006b20c0dff07 (ID = 0x081006b213bdff07)\r\nInput List (5 items): _OnD_0x081006b20c0dff07 (ID = 081006b2124dff07) Created: 06/23/2022 03:21:30 Last Modified: 06/23/2022 03:21:30\r\nSchedule Time: 06/23/2022 03:21:30\r\nReport Template (13 fields): _OnD_0x081006b20c0dff07 (ID = 0x081006b20c1dff07) Created: 06/23/2022 03:21:30 Last Modified: 06/23/2022 03:21:30\r\n(CSP,438516AC0,EJV) is inactive.\r\nProcessing completed successfully at 06/23/2022 03:21:32, taking 1.24 Secs.\r\nExtraction finished at 06/23/2022 02:21:32 UTC, with servers: x03A05, QSDHA1 (0.0 secs), QSHC18 (0.2 secs)\r\nUsage Summary for User 9008895, Client 65508, Template Type Terms and Conditions\r\nBase Usage\r\n        Instrument                          Instrument                   Terms          Price\r\n  Count Type                                Subtype                      Source         Source\r\n------- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------------\r\n      1 Corporate                           Investment Grade             N/A            N/A\r\n      1 Corporate                                                        N/A            N/A\r\n      1 Equities                                                         N/A            N/A\r\n      2 Mutual Funds                                                     Lipper         N/A\r\n-------\r\n      5 Total instruments charged.\r\n      0 Instruments with no reported data.\r\n=======\r\n      5 Instruments in the input list.\r\nWriting RIC maintenance report.\r\nTruncation Warning: Some values for Total Net Assets were truncated, (integer places = 12, largest integer width detected was 13).\r\n"

Then, you can share this note with the Datascope Select support team by submitting a case via MyRefinitiv to verify if it is the expected behavior.

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Thanks for the reply. We already asked the same question in MyRefinitv and they redirected us to here.

I extracted the note and the time taking is short. However when I measure the time between starting an extraction and getting the result, it always takes 10-20s. (see Run Time at the last line).

Extraction Services Version 16.0.43633 (806c08a4ae8f), Built May 9 2022 17:21:13 Holiday Rollover of Universal Close Price waived. Processing started at 2022-06-23 10:39:34. User ID: 9021211 Extraction ID: 597839329 Correlation ID: CiD/9021211/guPSwA.0810072fb62dff05/RA/EXT.597839329 Schedule: _OnD_0x0810072fb63dff05 (ID = 0x0810072fb8edff05) Input List (1 items): _OnD_0x0810072fb63dff05 (ID = 0810072fb66dff05) Created: 2022-06-23 10:39:32 Last Modified: 2022-06-23 10:39:33 Schedule Time: 2022-06-23 10:39:33 Report Template (31 fields): _OnD_0x0810072fb63dff05 (ID = 0x0810072fb64dff05) Created: 2022-06-23 10:39:32 Last Modified: 2022-06-23 10:39:32 Processing completed successfully at 2022-06-23 10:39:34, taking 0.381 Secs. Extraction finished at 2022-06-23 08:39:34 UTC, with servers: x16A05, QSDHA1 (0.0 secs), QSHC16 (0.1 secs) Usage Summary for User 9021211, Client 109241, Template Type Composite Base Usage Instrument Instrument Terms Price Count Type Subtype Source Source ------- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- -------------- ---------------------------------------- 1 Equities N/A N/A ------- 1 Total instrument charged. 0 Instruments with no reported data. ======= 1 Instrument in the input list. No Evaluated Pricing Service complex usage to report -- 1 Instrument in the input list had no reported data. Writing RIC maintenance report.
Run Time : 20.053684
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@Jirapongse ,

I just tried calling the API using Postman and the response time is similarly 10-20s. The example response below has a elapse time 24s:


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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.