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How to get an esg time series on excel

Good afternoon

I`am trying to get time series of monthly ESG Data (ESG Score) from a list of various companies (ISINS) for my master thesis from 2009-2020.

The problem is, that Refenitive gives me for each month in a year exactly the same date and does not differ between the month when I am using this formula: =TR($A$2:$A$217;"TR.TRESGScore";"Period=FY0 Frq=M SDate=2009-12-31 EDate=2020-12-31 CH=Fd RH=IN;calcdate CODE=ISIN";C1)

I checked and sometimes the score changes within a year several times. Nevertheless I just get one value per year:(

In case the problem is not solvable, I thought about looking for the data on a specific date, as I have all the dates I am looking for on the excel spreadsheet. Here the problem is, that I dont know how link the date in the formula to a cell.

Do you have a solution to these problems?

Thank you so much!!!

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Hello @jonathanfrischknecht ,
The weekly score history is delivered in our Point in time Bulk file over RDP product.
The desktop product only stores the latest ESG Score value for a year, overwriting each week as the data updates.

Kind regards


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