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Advanced search for equity indices. How to filter Price Return, Net Total Return, or Total Return?

Hello again,

Using the advanced search tool, I filtered US Quality equity indices. However, I often find different suffixes for the same indices. For example, the three instruments below are from the same HSBC Quality US index.

RIC:  Name

.HSIEQUGP : HSBC Quality ESG US Price Return Index (USD)
.HSIEQUGN : HSBC Quality ESG US Net Total Return Index (USD)
.HSIEQUGT : HSBC Quality ESG US Total Return Index (USD)

However, I could not find a description explaining the methodology to calculate Price Return, Net Total Return, or Total Return Index. My question is, which one is recommended to choose from (default values)? And how to filter them (+30k indices)? Other indices might include suffixes like PR, NTR, TRI, similar, or even without one at all. So filtering by their name would'n't be optimal.

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Hi @ricardo.henriquez

I assume you are referring to the Advance Search app within the desktop product (Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace)? If so, I would suggest you refer to the "Get Help & Support" service within the desktop. You can access this via the F1 shortcut key.

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