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Is there a "sandbox" ADS/ADH installation package available?

Is there any way of setting up a "sandbox" ADS/ADH to verify whether they have the functionality I need?

I'm looking at a possibility of using ADS (and possibly ADH in the future for better load balancing) in my company to replace legacy system. Before I start an "official" process of proposing an architectural change and get multiple people involved I would like to verify that ADS/ADH will even do what we need and estimate the effort to change our current architecture. That is why I'm looking into possibility of running 2 instances of ADS with very limited traffic (like 2 publishers, 2 consumers and 10 symbols will do) just to verify basic things like how load balancing works, what happens if one instance goes down and up, how caching in ADS works, can 2 publishers publish data on same symbol,....

I found docker images of ADS/ADH but it is clear that I would also need "ADS/AHD installation package" and some test licence.

Is such a "test" installation package available anywhere?

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Hi @MacD

Your Refinitiv Account Team can provide you with temporary licences and approve your access to download the packages required.

The packages can be downloaded from Software Downloads - under the MDS - Infra product family.

If you wish I can try and reach out to your account team and ask them to get in touch with you? Please let me know.

You may also wish to discuss the Real-Time Connector product with them - to see if it fits your needs.

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Hi @MacD

If you do need me to reach to your account team - please specify which country / office you are based in.
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Thank you for quick response.

I don't see "MDS - Infra" in Software Downloads. Only 3 product families start with MDS: "MDS - General", "MDS - Manageability" and "MDS - Value Added" but I assume it's be cause I don't have the required license.

As for the license itself I will contact team that holds licenses to Refinitiv products in my company.

Hi @MacD

that is correct - you need to be granted access by the account team to see some of the Products on Software Downloads.

It may well be that your Market Data team has to download the files for you/may already have them in a local repository - or you can ask your Refinitic Account team.

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