Hi team,
I hope you are doing well.
I am using refinitiv.dataplatform in Python. I am trying to get historical information for the field "InflationIndexRatio". Could you please help me?
rdp.get_bond_analytics( universe = ["XS029941629=RRPS"], #RIC fields = ["InflationIndexRatio"], #FIELDS calculation_params=ipa.bond.CalculationParams(market_data_date="2022-06-01") )
That is what I am trying but I am not getting the historical value. Is there away to get a historical value or a time series?
I need to replicate the following but using get_bond_analyitcs, is it possible?
rd.get_data(universe = 'XS029941629=RRPS', fields = ['TR.FiIndexRatio(SDate=0,EDate=-1000,Frq=NA).date','TR.FiIndexRatio(SDate=0,EDate=-1000,Frq=NA)'])
Thank you,