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Historic AUD tick data extraction


I used the following URI to extract historical AUD/USD tick data -

start_date = 2021-09-01

end_date = 2022-09-10

I've managed to extract 24 million records, but all of them are Quote.

Does anyone know why this might have happened?



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Thanks for reaching out to us.

I used the TickHistoryTimeAndSalesExtractionRequest to history data for AUD with the following request.

    "ExtractionRequest": {
        "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TickHistoryTimeAndSalesExtractionRequest",
        "ContentFieldNames": [
            "Trade - Price","Trade - Volume","Quote - Bid Price","Quote - Bid Size","Quote - Ask Price","Quote - Ask Size"],
        "IdentifierList": {
            "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentIdentifierList",
            "InstrumentIdentifiers": [
                {"Identifier": "AUD", "IdentifierType": "Ric"}
            "ValidationOptions": {"AllowHistoricalInstruments": "True"},
            "UseUserPreferencesForValidationOptions" : "False"
        "Condition": {
            "MessageTimeStampIn": "LocalExchangeTime",
            "DateRangeTimeZone": "Local Exchange Time Zone",
            "ReportDateRangeType": "Range",
            "QueryStartDate": "2022-08-01T09:30:00.000Z",
            "QueryEndDate":   "2022-09-01T16:00:00.000Z",
            "DisplaySourceRIC": "True"

The results contain both quotes and trades, as shown below.

#RIC,Alias Underlying RIC,Domain,Date-Time,Type,Price,Volume,Bid Price,Bid Size,Ask Price,Ask Size
AUD,,Market Price,2022-08-01T09:30:00.976177714-04,Trade,0.624,4255,,,,
AUD,,Market Price,2022-08-01T09:30:00.976177714-04,Quote,,,0.621,8,0.64,1
AUD,,Market Price,2022-08-01T09:30:00.980110336-04,Quote,,,0.624,10,0.64,1
AUD,,Market Price,2022-08-01T09:30:03.807791304-04,Trade,0.6305,1,,,,
AUD,,Market Price,2022-08-01T09:30:05.099853964-04,Quote,,,0.624,10,0.64,1
AUD,,Market Price,2022-08-01T09:30:08.443575930-04,Trade,0.625,25,,,,
AUD,,Market Price,2022-08-01T09:30:08.443575930-04,Quote,,,0.624,10,0.64,2
AUD,,Market Price,2022-08-01T09:30:08.443575930-04,Trade,0.624,75,,,,
AUD,,Market Price,2022-08-01T09:30:08.443575930-04,Trade,0.624,1006,,,,
AUD,,Market Price,2022-08-01T09:30:08.443575930-04,Quote,,,0.622,2,0.64,2
AUD,,Market Price,2022-08-01T09:30:08.443575930-04,Quote,,,0.622,2,0.6399,1
AUD,,Market Price,2022-08-01T09:30:08.443575930-04,Quote,,,0.622,2,0.6399,2

Please share the request message that you are using.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

Thanks, it's my license issue.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.