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Failure on OMM stream: Malformed JSON received during token refresh: '{"error":"server_error" ,"error_description":"Request "xxxxxx-yyyyy-zzzz-tttt-sssssssss" has failed on backend call timeout" } '. Status code: 500

Hi Community members.

I really appreciate your support, sorry if this question is to direct, I wish to clarify I don't actually know if it is a bug on Refinitiv Server Backend side, just searching for solution.

Seems like there is an error on Refinitiv server related to the session refresh token process of OMM websocket stream:

I get an error message:

Malformed JSON received during token refresh: '{"error":"server_error" ,"error_description":"Request "xxxxxx-yyyyy-zzzz-tttt-sssssssss" has failed on backend call timeout" } '. Status code: 500

from first look the error might be a good explanation for the bug on the server

:"Request "xxxxxx-yyyyy-zzzz-tttt-sssssssss" has failed on backend call timeout"

the request uuid must be with ' \" ' literal double quotes or without them. - definitly not with plain text ' " ' .

by default, json parser may not parse a value with interleaving double Quates marks.

can you confirm?

If not - please inform me how to fix


Ori Kovacsi Katz


using version:


used search :

grep -rnw `pwd` -e "Malformed JSON received during token refresh"


~/miniconda3/envs/<environment name>/lib/python3.9/site-packages/refinitiv/data/_core/session/ line 63

I can see location of the failure the "def _on_update(self):" function

            json_content = response.json()
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            message = (
                f"Malformed JSON received during token refresh: '{response.text}'. "
                f"Status code: {response.status_code}")
            self._callback(UpdateEvent.REFRESH_TOKEN_FAILED, message, {})

hope this will help to reproduce / resolve the issue

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I can confirm this was the cause for Refinitiv OMM web-socket disconnection with

undocumented flow to an error call-back.

as a temporary workaround I tweaked the Refinitiv-Data 1.0.0b20 python package (python client connector) added broth force json parsing


            if response and response.text and "\"error\":\"server_error\"" in response.text:
                print("[REFINITIV HACK ORI] fixing Malformed JSON", end=" ")
                json_content=json.loads((''.join(response.text.split('\"'))).replace(":","\":\"").replace("  ,","\"  ,\"").replace("{","{\"").replace("}","\"}"))
                json_content = response.json()
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            message = (
                f"Malformed JSON received during token refresh: '{response.text}'. "
                f"Status code: {response.status_code}")
            self._callback(UpdateEvent.REFRESH_TOKEN_FAILED, message, {})

I am not sure it will stand other error messages scenarios, but for now it solved my case, I suspect a bug on Refinitiv server side with multiple literal ' " ' double quate marks on same Json field without escape notation ' \" '

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The latest RD Library version 1.0 is just released this week. The application should upgrade to this version.

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