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issue when requesting holdings for the fund LU0855227368. Internal Server Error Occured

I have issue only when requesting this particular fund LU0855227368

its related to lipper api


{'request': '80005475-0000-f400-b63f-84710c7967bb#PRD2-205', 'date': '2022-10-10T15:00', 'code': '500', 'status': 'Internal Server Error Occured', 'message': 'Invalid currency: Specified currency cannot be used to call this method.\r\n\r\n [c365a4c378824742af60c81ae38a3560]'}

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Please be informed that this is solved, as mentioned in case number 11685861 below

We are now able to call with successful response using below API endpoint on Holdings information for ISIN LU0855227368

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Hi @maximilian.mayrl ,

Regarding an error message, seems like the currency used is not supported by this endpoint. Could you please provide the request body you used so we could check the currency in the request?

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Hi, this would be the request that we use:microsoftteams-image.png

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Hi @maximilian.mayrl ,

Thank you for your patience. First, I'd like to inform you that this is being investigated by the support team as I found the same issue in case number 11685861 raised by a user from the same company as yours.

As this is a technical issue, the support team has been investigating it and will contact the user directly regarding the investigation result and the suggestion for the fix.

I'll also keep you updated.

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